Join Bethel United Church of Christ Saturday, January 25th at 7pm, for an inspirational concert performed by Dr. Shuntaro Sugie. Dr. Sugie received his doctorate in music performance and harpsichord at UofM in 2023. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the concert in Bethel's Fellowship Hall. Admission is free, donations are appreciated.
The Knights of Columbus are having their first Family Pot Luck Dinner February 8th. Everyone is invited to the parish hall at 6pm. after the Saturday evening Mass. There will be a sign up sheet available in the foyer of the Church. Contact Tim Gouwens at [email protected].
"The Rosary In a Year" is one of the most popular podcasts in the world! It has surpassed the famous podcaster Joe Rogan! Listen to these catechetical podcasts to get more out of praying the Rosary. It is brought to you by the same people who created "The Bible In a Year" and "The Catechism In a Year". Literally millions upon millions of people have benefited from these spiritually rich and reliable podcasts. It is easy to find online on many places where podcasts are available or visit the Ascension Press website.
Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s): Are you looking for a renewed sense of purpose & belonging? Register today for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at the St. Francis Retreat Center, in DeWitt, MI, on February 21-23, 2025. Take a chance and get involved... you won't regret it! Cost is $230 for meals and a single room. Call (586)770-1772, visit, or e-mail [email protected] for details.
Please ask the Holy Spirit, as you pray, if there is anyone in your life that may be open to be invited to explore the truth about God. Sometimes we overlook our neighbors or even casual acquaintances and how open they are to find something deeper in life. It is easy for us to fall into selfconsciousness, to forget how precious and life-giving is faith. Even if that person says no, at least they will have some sense of how much you care for them. Pray. Ask the Lord for an opening to talk about Him with others. St. Mary will have a series of sessions that explain the faith beginning the first couple months of next year; it is called OCIA. If you have questions about this, feel free to approach Deacon Dennis or Fr. Gerald. They will be happy to answer questions and help you find what you need so that the Lord can use you as his hands and his voice for others.
We’d love for you to join our parish family. If you have been attending Mass here regularly, why not make it official and register? Send us an email, call us or stop by the office during the week. We look forward to welcoming you to the family.
There are many books in the
Fr. Fisher Hall that are
available for parishioners to take
home. Please peruse the tables
and add some titles to your home
The Augustine Institute exists to help men and women to know God better. One of the ways they accomplish this is with their online resource platform called Formed. Find beautiful and faithful Catholic content at your fingertips including movies, e-books, enrichment programs, children’s programming and more. The parish offers this free to parishioners. Download the app from Google play or the App Store, or visit Follow the prompts to find our parish and begin discovering all the app has to offer. If you are having difficulty logging into Formed, instructions area available in the Church narthex or the Fall Family Newsletter.
When our brothers and sisters in Christ celebrate a birthday, we rejoice with them — and we are grateful that God has blessed us by having them as part of our parish family! Please click here to see the Parish Family Birthdays for this week…
Each week the flowers on the altar at St. Mary's are sponsored by someone from the parish. Usually it is to mark a special event, to honor someone, to remember the date of a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one. Click this title for information about the altar flowers for this week…
Sanctuary lamps burn in Catholic churches to remind us of Jesus' Real Presence in the Tabernacle of our church. At St. Mary's, we also may request there be a special prayer intention associated with a sanctuary lamp. In the second chapter of Mark's Gospel we hear the story of the paralytic. It concludes: "[The friends of the paralytic] let down the mat on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their [i.e. the friends] faith, He said to the paralytic, 'Child, your sins are forgiven.' Click here for the special intentions associated with the sanctuary lamps this week…
St. Mary would like to reinstitute a pro-life group. This is such an important mission for all Christians. We are looking for someone who may sense a calling to this ministry. It is amazing what even a small group of people can accomplish when motivated and filled with God’s grace. If you are interested in this apostolate please contact Kathy Sangster at 248-207-8226.
At each Mass throughout the year (except during Lent) the altar is adorned with beautiful flowers. We have the opportunity each weekend to sponsor these flowers and attach to them a special prayer intention. The intention is printed in the bulletin for all to join in your prayer. There is a minimum donation of $40, and the flowers can be in memory of a loved one, for the intentions of or to honor someone, or for a special occasion. There is a sign-up sheet in the vestibule with available dates. Contact the parish office for more information
For those of you awaiting a document concerning your donation to the Diocesan campaign Witness to Hope, the letters were mailed last week. If you have questions contact John Madigan directly 517-290-8660 or [email protected]
Do you know anyone who has been thinking of becoming Catholic, or a Catholic who never received the Sacrament of Confirmation? If so, they should pursue instruction through the process called Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Please contact Deacon Dennis for information 734-761-3163, or by email at [email protected]
There are many, many books, CDs, and DVDs in our parish library, all for you and your family to check out to enjoy while learning more about your faith. Amanda Walz has agreed to be our new librarian. Please click this article title for more info…
Right now there are a number of openings on the parish Mass calendar for people to request a particular Mass intention. Mass may be offered for the repose of the soul of a loved one, for someone is is ill or struggling and in need of prayer, etc. Click this title to learn more...