When our brothers and sisters in Christ celebrate a birthday, we rejoice with them — and we are grateful that God has blessed us by having them as part of our parish family! Please click here to see the Parish Family Birthdays for this week…
Each week the flowers on the altar at St. Mary's are sponsored by someone from the parish. Usually it is to mark a special event, to honor someone, to remember the date of a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one. Click this title for information about the altar flowers for this week…
Sanctuary lamps burn in Catholic churches to remind us of Jesus' Real Presence in the Tabernacle of our church. At St. Mary's, we also may request there be a special prayer intention associated with a sanctuary lamp. In the second chapter of Mark's Gospel we hear the story of the paralytic. It concludes: "[The friends of the paralytic] let down the mat on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their [i.e. the friends] faith, He said to the paralytic, 'Child, your sins are forgiven.' Click here for the special intentions associated with the sanctuary lamps this week…